

Member since Sep 7, 2020

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Read in 2024




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Owned Books - 245

Cover of A Cor Púrpura

A Cor Púrpura by Alice Walker

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of A Ilha do Dr. Moreau

A Ilha do Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of O Quinze

O Quinze by Rachel de Queiroz

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of O Misantropo

O Misantropo by Molière

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of A Jangada de Pedra

A Jangada de Pedra by José Saramago

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of Viagem ao Centro da Terra

Viagem ao Centro da Terra by Julio Verne

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of Linha M

Linha M by Patti Smith

Acquired 27 Oct, 2016

Cover of Os Maias

Os Maias by Jose Maria de Eca de Queiros

Acquired 30 Jun, 2016

Cover of Filoctetes

Filoctetes by Sofocles

Acquired 30 Jun, 2016

Cover of O Andar do Bêbado

O Andar do Bêbado by Leonard Mlodinow

Acquired 25 Apr, 2016