Member since Sep 7, 2020
Kane Chronicles, The, Book Three: Serpent's Shadow: The Graphic Novel, The-Kane Chronicles, The, Book Three (The Kane Chronicles: The Graphic Novel, #3) by Rick Riordan and Orpheus Collar
Finished on 2020-08-03Snotgirl Volume 2: California Screaming by Bryan Lee O'Malley and Leslie Hung
Finished on 2020-08-02Kane Chronicles, The, Book Two: Throne of Fire: The Graphic Novel, The-The Kane Chronicles, Book Two (The Kane Chronicles: The Graphic Novel, #2) by Rick Riordan and Orpheus Collar
Finished on 2020-08-02Dragon Ball, Vol. 9: Test of the All-Seeing Crone (Dragon Ball: Shonen Jump Graphic Novel) by Akira Toriyama
Finished on 2020-08-01Kane Chronicles, The, Book One Red Pyramid: The Graphic Novel (Kane Chronicles, The, Book One) (The Kane Chronicles: The Graphic Novel, #1) by Rick Riordan and Orpheus Collar
Finished on 2020-07-29Valkyrie: Jane Foster Vol. 1 - The Sacred and the Profane by Jason Aaron and Al Ewing
Finished on 2020-07-27