Member since Feb 6, 2022
Books Read
Read in 2025
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Christmas Nights (Diamond Creek, Alaska, #6) by J H Croix
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10) by Patricia Briggs
Lesser Prince (Guardians of Gaeland, #1) by Jamie McFarlane
Wizard Unleashed (Witchy World, #3) by Jamie McFarlane
Wizard in a Witchy World (Witchy World, #1) by Jamie McFarlane
TV Gods by
If We Had Known (Beyond the Cradle, #1) by Jody Lynn Nye, Robert Greenberger, and Mike McPhail
Wilders, 1 by Brenda Cooper
The Die Is Cast (From the Archives, #1) by Mike McPhail and Danielle Ackley-McPhail
The Best of Bad-Ass Faeries (Bad-Ass Faeries, #5) by Jody Lynn Nye, Keith R.A Decandido, and Danielle Ackley-McPhail
Wings of Creation (Silver Ship, #3) (Fremont's Children, #3) by Brenda Cooper
Reading the Wind (Fremont's Children, #2) (Silver Ship) by Brenda Cooper
The Silver Ship and the Sea (Fremont's Children, #1) (Silver Ship) by Brenda Cooper
No True Way (Valdemar) by Mercedes Lackey
Cracking the Sky by Brenda Cooper
Ardeur by
Rachel and the Many-Splendored Dreamland (Books of Unexpected Enlightenment, #3) by L Jagi Lamplighter
The Best of Defending the Future (Best of Defending the Future, #1) by McDevitt, Jack and Charles E Gannon
Man and Machine (Defending the Future, #7) by Brenda Cooper, Bud Sparhawk, and Mike McPhail
The Sister Paradox by Jack Campbell
Post by Brenda Cooper
Ninefox Gambit (The Machineries of Empire, #1) by Yoon Ha Lee
The Troll King by Jeffrey Lyman
The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble's Braids (Amra Thetys, #1) by Michael McClung