Paula by Connie Basulto
Social Media by Vanessa Divkovic
Bi The Way by R L Thorton
To Capture a Heart by Zoe Aviya Harris
Weybridge Academy by Alexandra Moody
Jack & Chris by Neilton Luiz
Between the Lines by Ignatius C
Perhosluodon runotyttö (Perhosluodon Runotyttö, #1) by Sirpa Walton
Secret of the Dragon Crown by Selina A Fenech
Wrecked Together by Gracie May
Don't touch my heart by Ned Quintana
Switched (The Switched Chronicles, #1) by Arianna Courson
The Best Part of Breaking Up (Daniel Loves Naomi) by Glenn Michaelson
Snowed In With The Boy Next Door by Emily Camp
The Soulmates Book (Volume 1) by Regina Russell
Quiet Echoes at Night (Merit-Hunters) by L.G. Jenkins
So Over This (OVEREMOTIONAL) by David Fenne
Entre las Mentiras y el Amor (Amor A Través de las Pruebas) by Oscar Severino Benítez
El quarterback y yo / The QB Bad Boy and Me by Tay Marley
Song of the Exiled (Guardians of Fate) by Lisa Schrock-Ohlinger
Thanks for Listening by Molly Horan
Desde las entrañas by Víctor Méndez
Grace In Between (Threadbare, #2) by Anonymous