A Thousand Blues by Cheon Seon-Ran
Los Soles de Santiago (Novela) / The Santiago Suns (a Novel) by Viviana Rivero
Hotel California (Hotel California: Descent Into Darkness, #2) by J E Kane
The Organization is Here to Support You by Charlene Elsby
Non Omnis Moriar (The Hypostasis of Dissent, #2) by Sfarda L Gul, Ayshe-Mira Yashin, and Nadia Sampellegrini
La memoria de las piedras / The Memory of Stones by Catalina HolguĂn Jaramillo
For Emma by Ewan Morrison
Escape! by Scott A Ferguson, Sr
To Avenge a Fallen Star (United Planetary Systems, #1) by Qilanna Quinn
Situation Nowhere by Bobby Miller
A Smoke Stained Cab by Trista Hurley-Waxali
Who Wants to Live Forever by Hanna Thomas Uose
King of the Dead (Kingdom of the Dead, #1) by Ryana Hunter
The Chronicles of Kaimakla (THE CHRONICLES OF KAIMAKLA) by Ravi Tennekoon
A Line You Have Traced by Roisin Dunnett
Rhino: The Rise of a Warrior (Hell Divers Trilogy) by Nicholas Sansbury Smith
Kidnap (The Orbitals, #1) by Claire Stephen-Walker
Vividwater by Jacqueline Owens
The Mahryn Chronicles. Book Two: Resurrection (The Mahryn Chronicles) by J Harold Williams
Scales by Chris Faraday
Sleeper Beach (A Titanium Noir novel) by Nick Harkaway
The Adjudicator
The Cure by Eve Smith
Vanishing World by Sayaka Murata