Christmas Heist (Jim and Ginger Cozy Mysteries, #3) by Arthur Pearce
Blame the Beignets (Deputy Donut Mystery, #9) by Ginger Bolton
The Barbara Seville (Mysteries on an Operatic Scale, #2) by Jeffrey Buller
Biscuits and Graves (Made in Savannah Mystery, #24) by Hope Callaghan
Dash Allman, PI Volume 1 (Dash Allman Mysteries, #1) by Diane Bator
In the Blink of a Pie (Maple Syrup Mysteries, #3) by Catherine Bruns
The Screeching Shadows of Hidden Valley (Sally the Loner, #17) by Alexie Linn
Cozy Christmas Cozy Mystery Boxed Set by Bellamy Bloom and Addison Moore
Ashes to Ashes (Martha Johnson Cozy Mystery) by Sharon Reinan
Death at the Swan Tavern (Veronica Vale Investigates, #6) by Kitty Kildare
A Holiday Homicide (A Secret Bookcase Mystery, #4) by Ellie Alexander
Death by Christmas Festival (Sister Sleuths Cozy Mystery) by Donna Muse
ENDGAMES (Octavius Bear 21) (Octavius Bear, #21) by Harry Demaio