The Players by Minette Walters
The Start of a Fire by Lillian Romilda
Sir Lenny Henry’s Journey to Othello by Lenny Henry
Sotto il Leone d'Oro (Italian History Novels) (Italian Novels Fiction Collection (Italian Fiction Books in Italian Language)) by Aurora De' Rossi
No Signo Do Leão
The Duty of Women by Caroline Willcocks
Декамерон. Джованни Боккаччо / Dekameron. Dzhovanni Bokacho by Dzhovanni Bokacho
The Ruby Enigma by Kaitlyn Louisa Rich
The Chrysanthemum Tiger (A Gabriel Taverner Mystery) by Alys Clare
The Hidden Cove by Celinka Serre
Moneydie by Iain Davie
Асканио. Александр Дюма / Askanio. Aleksandr Djuma by Aleksandr Djuma
The Book of Gold (The Feral Gods Trilogy, #1) by Ruth Frances Long
Mask of Death by William J. Connell
Ring Of Ruse (The Sassana Stone Pentalogy, #5) by James Vella-Bardon
Black Wood Women by Michael Stewart
City of Silk by Glennis Virgo
The Pittenweemers (The Seton Chronicles, #5) by V E H Masters
The House Book by Susan Greenwood
The Wedding of Magdeburg by Gertrud von le Fort
The Creation of Music by Britian Bell
The Ugliest of Words by Jonathan C Evans
Broken Bonds by Amy Mantravadi
The Keeper of Lost Art by Laura Morelli