Ambessa: Chosen of the Wolf by C. L. Clark
Gotrek and Maleneth: The Omnibus (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar) by Darius Hinks
A Song of Legends Lost (The Invoker Trilogy, #1) by M. H. Ayinde
Warrior of the Drowned Empire (Drowned Empire, #4) by Frankie Diane Mallis
Parallels by James Kinsley
Through Thick and Thin (Tales of Pannithor) by Mark Barber
Wielders of Floods and Flames (Essien of Alkebulan, #2) by Didi Anofienem
A Resistance of Witches by Morgan Ryan
Dawn of Fate and Fire (Sun of Blood and Ruin, #2) by Mariely Lares
Lord of Blackthorne (The Blackthorne Chronicles) by Jason Kingsley
Lies Weeping (Chronicles of the Black Company, #12) by Glen Cook
Cliffs of Wayward (Adventures in Thimbleton) by Veronica King
Cry, Voidbringer by Elaine Ho