Jeff Sexton
Superbly Written Thriller Will Make You Reconsider Your Ideas Of 'Justice'. On the one hand, a man has identified a way to identify serial sexual predators - and is committed to stopping them before they can strike again. On the other, a law man absolutely committed to the Rule of Law and that *everyone* has the right to a second chance once their sentence is complete. Which one is "good". Which one is "just"? How can we as readers of this text reconcile the two competing ideals? Should we? How can we as a society reconcile these ideals? Should we?
Redfearn - yes, the same Suzanne Redfearn of In An Instant, Moment In Time, Hadley & Grace, and Where Butterflies Wander - here presents her most thoughtful book to date, damn near an Atlas Shrugged level deep, *deep* philosophical dive - without Rand's overt political diatribes. Indeed, the text here in some ways is also remeniscent of NPC by Jeremy Robinson, which also features such deep examinations from two different sides by two people of equal mental acuity - though in the Robinson text, the questions at hand are more existential in nature rather than centered on justice for all, particularly those deemed the lowest of the low by society at large.
This is one of those books that could have gotten quite preachy rather quickly in any number of ways in a less deft hand - as Rand was known to do, despite her own great storytelling abilities - and yet never actually does. It questions and it shows pros and cons of both sides, with quite a bit of real (enough) logically paced and logically executed action. While it can be read as a straight up thriller, and many might, it is one of those texts that really deserves and demands to be more deeply considered and examined. Perhaps particularly in the weeks leading into an Election Day, though that has nothing at all to do with the book and is nowhere present in the text.
This was the 157th book I read in 2024. I'm reasonably confident (at the moment at least, we'll see what happens in my final rankings in December) in saying that if you read just a single book this year... make it this one.
Very much recommended.