Jeff Sexton
Preserving A Clarion Call Against Attempts At Revisionist History. Radio, as Hazelgrove notes in the text here, was a new tech that had found its way rapidly into seemingly every home in America, no matter how remote, over the course of essentially a generation. As Hazelgrove notes, the first "real time" Presidential election returns were broadcast by radio just 18 years before the night Orson Welles issued his clarion call against the dangers of the media.
One idea Hazelgrove hits on early, often, and strongly, is that Welles' Halloween Eve 1938 broadcast of a teleplay version of H.G. Well's War Of The Worlds did not cause any mass panic, that this is some kind of revisionist misinformation itself. Hazelgrove goes to great detail in showing the widespread reports of just how wrong this claim is, of showing numerous media reports from the next day and the following weeks and years citing the exact people and their reactions, showing that this was indeed a widespread mass panic event. One that perhaps some did not fall for, but clearly many did.
This text overall is the entire history of that pivotal six seconds of dead air that night, of everything leading up to it - including a somewhat detailed biography of Welles himself - and of everything that came from it, all the way through the deaths and legacies of the primary people involved - again, specifically, Welles.
Its bibliography comes in at 14%, which is *just* close enough to the 15% or so I've been trying to relax my older 20-30% standard to to avoid a star deduction, but let me be clear - I do wish it had a larger bibliography. Still, given the esoteric nature of the subject and it being a singular event involving a handful of key players, perhaps there literally weren't more sources for this particular text to cite.
One thing that Hazelgrove makes a point of detailing throughout this text is that Welles in particular believed that this play was a clarion call against how easily the radio format could be used to manipulate large swaths of people, and that the fallout it caused proved his point - including the man who attempted to kill him in the early 40s as Welles walked into a diner, because that man's wife had committed suicide the night of the War of the Worlds broadcast due to believing it was completely real.
In that vein of Welles' call, let me point out that it is *still* happening *to this day*, and indeed specifically *on this day*. I write this review on November 5, 2024, the date of yet another US Presidential Election. This one in particular has featured a grievous manipulation by media, one not imaginable even as recently as 12 years ago. The LGBT community has been fighting for its rights and indeed its very right to *exist* legally for 55 years (dating from the Stonewall Riots, a common date used to denote the beginning of this push for rights). It was barely 21 years ago, with Texas v Lawrence, that the Supreme Court of the United States effectively legalized anal sex in the US. It was just 9 years ago, with Ogberfell v Hodges, that that same court ruled that same sex couples have the legal right to marry in the United States. With all of this *recent* history - much of it *within my own adult lifetime* - why is the media of 2024 ignoring the first married gay man running for President who is openly on the ballot for President in 47 States and a recognized write in candidate in the remaining 3 + DC? That man is Chase Oliver, and I can tell you why they are ignoring his historic candidacy: because he dared run under the "wrong" Party label, being the Libertarian Party's nominee. Were he instead the nominee of one of the "two" controlling Parties in the US, this very history would be a primary focal point of that same media over these last weeks.
As Welles proclaimed and showed 86 years ago, the media can and will manipulate you at will. Including, as Hazelgrove makes a point to show through this text, trying to gaslight you into believing history making events never happened to begin with. Another "Or" "Well" - George Orwell - warned us about this in another clarion call book written just a few years after Orson Welles' War of the Worlds event, in a book named 1984. But that is another review entirely. ;)
As it stands, this text is truly well written and truly a bulwark against attempts to revise the history of Welles' astounding avant-garde event.
Very much recommended.