A thrilling, culturally immersive anime series following a young boy's quest to rule ancient Kemet, as he navigates war, politics, and enigmatic gods.
Black Sands: The Anime Series is based on the highly popular and sought-after independent book series that has captivated the black community. The story follows Ausar, a young boy with an unwavering ambition to rule Kemet, as he journeys through the war-ravaged lands of the ancient world.
Set in a time when human nations struggle for power and are governed by enigmatic gods, Ausar and his allies must not only confront these formidable deities but also navigate the intricate societal politics of their era. The series takes the audience on an enthralling adventure, spanning the lands of ancient Greece, Sumer, Canaan, Kush, and Egypt.
- ISBN13 9798988182887
- Publish Date 24 July 2025
- Publish Status Forthcoming
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Black Sands Entertainment Inc
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 250
- Language English
- URL https://deadline.com/2023/06/black-sands-entertainment-carl-reed-composition-media-anime-production-deal-black-sands-the-seven-kingdoms-1235411851/