Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.
Sticks and Scones is the is the 19th Bakeshop cozy mystery by awe-inspiringly prolific author Ellie Alexander. Due out 20th Aug 2024 from Macmillan on their St. Martin's imprint, it's 336 pages and will be available in mass market paperback, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout.
This installment sees the crew at Torte baking up springtime delights, and Jules' friend Lance involved in a theatrical production of The Taming of the Shrew which turns deadly. Jules and co. are soon unearthing clues and motives alongside baking and pastry making.
The plotting, characterization, and dialogue are representative of the genre; lighthearted, somewhat over-the-top, and used to move the narrative along. It's not a realistic procedural. There's no gritty unpleasantness, no brutality (even the violence is mostly off-scene), no blatant sexual aspects, and the language is squeaky clean and used appropriately. Although this is the 19th book in the series, it works fine as a standalone.
For fans of the genre, it's a well written and very pleasant diversion. For readers who enjoy this Bakeshop series, the author's Sloan Krause brewing mysteries are also highly recommended. She has either a truly impressive grasp of baking, brewing, and coffee culture or she's got experts on tap to consult for her background research. Lots of "foodie" fun to be found in both series. With so many books, it's a great candidate for a binge / buddy read, or possibly for a mystery book club long-term project. The book, in genre style, also includes some intriguing recipes to try out.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.