Jeff Sexton
Not Again. HOW? At Least The MC And Author Acknowledge It. Third book in the series - and the third murder within a few weeks that our MC, police officer Macleish, finds herself locked in an enclosed environment with the bodies piling up and a murderer prowling about - but at least there is a quick line early where the MC (and thus, the author) acknowledge that this just doesn't happen to people normally. Which then allows the reader to settle in and just enjoy the book. For the established formula, this one again works well - though perhaps with even more pure speculation and even less actual evidence throughout this particular tale, due to the exact nature of this particular "locked room" isolated environment. (Here, a blizzard in the Scottish Highlands, vs the first book's flood-blocked valley and the second book's storm-blocked island.) Solid overall character work again with the MC though, bringing in the best friend for this particular event and then having some solid progression on the overall mythos of the series in the finale. Which leads to lingering questions of if this series will continue and if it will continue with the existing formula...
Overall a solid book of its type, and one that is well worth the read. Very much recommended.