Gahhhhh i hate huge cliffhangers like this!
Otherwise amazing & jaw droppingggg, as is usual with JLA.
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Luc, Evie, and the rest of the gang hunker down in Zone 3 as the Daedalas get closer and closer to discovering their hideout in this action packed fantasy romance.
I thought this was the last book in the series. As I got closer and closer to the ending, I started freaking out. With so many plot holes open, how in the world was it going to end? Luckily it turns out this is the second to last book in the series. I’m…not sure how I feel about it? I’m wishing Luc and Evie’s story would be done. While it has been enjoyable, I’m ready for them (and the Lux extended universe) to receive their happily ever after.
Time is spent further developing the romance between Evie and Luc. Their romance tends to be unhealthy and unbalanced. Do we really need to kill some civilian who legit thought Evie was going nuclear? No, Luc, we did not. Since their romance has always been ride and die, I take the theatrics as a grain of salt. The dichotomy between present day Evie and her past as Nadia continues to intrigue as it builds to an explosive climax. It ends on a cliff hanger – be prepared to yearn for the last book in the series.
I’ve complained before about Armentrout integrating past characters from previous series into her spinoff series (Cassandra Claire is notorious about it too). I don’t mind cameos, but I’m not interested in them being integral to the story. Katy, Daemon, and the rest of the Lux gang make many appearances in this book. If you enjoy seeing a lot of your old favs, you’ll be one happy camper.
tl;dr The second to last installment in the series focuses heavily on the romance and integrating characters from the Lux series into the overall story.