Written on Aug 26, 2024
I’ve hoped that I would come back and finish this a number of times but I think I just need to call it.
I liked lots of this but I think it was a bit long for me.
The writing clearly aimed for overbearing alpha mmc and landed on concerning. I’ve tried several times to get back into this book, but something about the dynamic between the main characters just doesn’t sit right with me. Neither the MMC nor the FMC are particularly likeable, and the alpha male vibe of the MMC, which was probably meant to be strong and assertive, ended up feeling a bit unsettling.
There were aspects I enjoyed, but overall, the book was just too long for my taste. The writing is overly descriptive, with pages and pages dedicated to describing rooms and outfits in exhaustive detail without advancing the plot. The over done descriptions felt exhausting. Even the animal sacrifices are overly detailed and I don’t think it’s needed in a book like this.
I kept pushing through despite being shook when I would forget parts of a conversation because the description took me out. It felt like the story could’ve been much tighter, it did not need to be 500-pages
There were so many aspects of the plot that didn’t feel believable. The portrayal of how a case like this would be handled by police felt far fetched.
In the end, this one just didn’t work for me, and I’m not entirely sure who it’s meant for. I know plenty of people have loved it, but clearly I am not the audience.