Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.
The 30-Day Embroidery Challenge is an appealing and well laid-out embroidery tutorial manual by Jessica Anderson. Due out 30th Jan 2024 from Quarto on their Quarry imprint, it's 128 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats. This is a sister volume in the 30 Day Challenge series from the same publisher with other habit tracking and creativity prompts.
This guide presupposes no prior knowledge of embroidery on the part of readers. She has included a short pictorial intro for tools and materials as well as how to get started with the challenge. There are many (many!) online resources and youtube as well for readers who are starting without any support network, which can help a lot. She covers very basic supplies as well as transferring designs and tension hoops, etc.
The following chapters include 30 project tutorials including a new stitch-per-day. All the projects are small and very colorful. The author has included 2 bonus projects at the end which combine some of the earlier techniques and stitches and are slightly more complex and will take longer than a day to complete. There is no index included, but the table of contents includes a thumbnail gallery of color photos of the projects with page numbers. Full size templates are included in the book, along with a QR code to download the templates and additional materials electronically.
It should be noted that this book is about surface embroidery, not cross stitch. It's lovely to see tutorials and and upswing in interest for the other fibrearts; it seems like only cross-stitch had any following for a long long time and it's nice to see surface embroidery enjoying a renaissance.
Wonderful skill building tutorials. Four and a half stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.