Quirky Cat
In the world of My Hero Academia, approximately eighty percent of the population (and growing) have been born with quirks – unique superpowers. Midoriya is part of the twenty percent group – born without a quirk. He never let...
In the world of My Hero Academia, approximately eighty percent of the population (and growing) have been born with quirks – unique superpowers. Midoriya is part of the twenty percent group – born without a quirk. He never let that destroy his dreams of becoming a hero, and look at him now!
The next round of the war is finally here. It seemed like the villains would be the ones choosing when and where the fight occurred – but Class 1A may just have a trick up their sleeves that will help change those plans.
Whew. My Hero Academia Vol. 35 is another heavy-hitter. There's no denying that. In truth, this volume made me gasp with surprise on more than one occasion...and I have a feeling we're just getting started! (This makes sense since the war is again gearing up).
First, I must admit that I love how they concocted this plan. It's multi-layered and clearly carefully thought out. First, we have the initiating event (aka how to get the villains out of hiding), and then there's the problem of how to deal with the lot of them.
The solution is different from what I would have thought of, but it's pretty brilliant. Better yet, it's giving a chance for other heroes and students to shine. I love this, as Class 1B (and beyond) has been neglected lately.
There's a lot to process in this volume. Once again, I know this is only the start, and based on how the first round of the war went, there will be even more for me to process before it's all over.
Teenage Superheroes
Expansive Cast
Intense Plots
Hit Series
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