Wed to the Wild God is another fun, exciting, and sexy addition to this magical series! Carly is just going about her life when she stumbles upon Kassam bleeding in an alley. He grabs her hand and from that moment on the two are inseparable. Unbeknownst to Carly, that brief contact bound her to Kassam as his anchor in the mortal realm as he is the god of life and nature, sent from his world to ours to learn a lesson. But it's hard to learn anything when you have an insatiable lust as the aspect of hedonism.
I missed Aos! Wed to the Wild God is set on Earth, in Chicago to be exact, where the previous two heroines came from. But it makes sense, since Kassam's the last standing of his Aspects, so his quest is to get back home, rather than to kill his other selves. I just missed learning about that world. Luckily, we get to return about halfway through and see some new locales! I enjoyed seeing more of Aos and its magic.
Despite being mostly set in our world, I still did enjoy the first half of Wed to the Wild God. Carly and Kassam get themselves into some wild situations, no pun intended. Kassam just oozes sex and it affects everyone around him. Obviously, being so close to him Carly feels the brunt of it. Not like she minds though! There is so much sex! It could have gotten repetitive, but it doesn't. Kassam is quite creative and his hedonism can be sated by other pleasures as well. Like butter.
Once our lovers are returned to Aos, there's nonstop adventure! Things do take a violent turn as there is a war on the goddess who betrayed Kassam, but it's mostly off page. We get some interesting lore and backstory about the gods here and I desperately want to meet more of them! There are also plenty of surprises, and things I didn't see coming. Yes, the ending is predictable, but aren't all Romance novels? It was cute. And that epilogue was epic!
I just really love this series and can't wait to see whose book is next! I have a feeling it might be Seth since we spent a good bit of time with him, but Riekke could be an interesting choice as well...