Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.
Hands Down is the 6th mystery featuring Sid Halley, written by Felix Francis around characters originated by his late father, Dick Francis. Released 8th Nov 2022 by Crooked Lane Books, it's 304 pages and is available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats. Paperback format due out from the same publisher in second quarter 2023.
There are only a handful of series, however well written, which keep me coming back for more year after year. The Dick Francis books are wonderful, highly consistent and satisfying reads. They're well constructed mysteries with a touch of humour, and they can generally be picked up and read in any order, as standalones. After the death of the elder Francis, his protege and youngest son Felix took over primary writing duties and continued the legacy with respectable verisimilitude.
I did feel this entry in the series was maybe a trifle more scattered and difficult to follow than most of the others. There were several disparate plot threads and they crossed and intertwined and were sometimes difficult to keep track of.
The language is relatively clean with the occasional 'damn / bloody' or similar' but nothing worse. These books are always worthwhile and a treat to be savored. Spelling and vernacular are UK English, but shouldn't pose any problems in context for readers from North America.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.