Written on May 22, 2022
Honeybee Rescue is a well photographed and written story for young readers about honeybees, their behavior, and biodiversity by Loree Griffin Burns. Due out 31st May 2022 from Charlesbridge, it's 40 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
This is an engaging true story of honeybee rescue and some basic beekeeping info. It's told in simple language which everyone can understand and shows bees as helpful and important and not scary (as long as they're treated gently with respect). The author has done a superlative job of explaining swarming behavior and how beekeepers rescue bee colonies which have set up housekeeping in unwanted places.
The book is lavishly and clearly photographed in color throughout. I especially liked seeing Mr. Nelson's bee vacuum with which he gently gathers all the lost bees to move them safely into their new home.
Five stars. This would make a great selection for public or school library acquisition as well as for young science and nature interested readers. The author has also included an abbreviated bibliography for further reading.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.