Book Zone Reviews
Written on Jan 30, 2022
Kitty Counts Her Blessings was a delight and a blessing. Counting has been taught in many ways in households and classrooms. You learn to count fingers, toes, blocks, balls, or any object the creative teacher incorporates into his/her theme of the week.
When I was little, the game/song I was taught to play was, 1-2 Buckle my shoe, 3-4 Shut the door, 5-6 Pick up sticks, 7-8 Lay them straight, 9-10 a big fat hen! (Poor hen, that was my favorite part too). Funnily enough, as a Christian, I never thought about using blessings. This adds a spiritual aspect to something as simple as learning to count and begins a life lesson pattern that can only grow as they do.
Here's a little rhyme I wrote in response to the book:
This charming, rhyming
counting book
with pictures so bright
they're such a delight
It shows the love between
a cat and her boy
who feel blessed together
and count it all joy.
What a nifty idea
this author did share
a lesson on counting
and gratitude with good cheer
So what pray tell
did I rate this book?
why 5 stars of course
with a can't-you-tell look
I received a copy of the book for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily