After reading The Awakening, which is told solely in Darcy’s and Tory’s POV, I couldn’t wait to dive into the book with the boys’ POVs. I needed to find out why the four celestial heirs targeted Tory and Darcy and needed them gone. This book definitely gave me all the reasons and more. Still, I wouldn’t say I like some of them, especially after what they put Darcy and Tory through at the end of the book. A-holes!
Storyline/My Thoughts: I was excited and anxious to read The Awakening as Told by the Boys because I wanted to discover what thoughts were in Darius’s, Caleb’s, Seth’s, and Max’s heads after reading The Awakening. I’m going to try not to spoil anything while typing up my review because the previous book and this book had me on the edge of my seat. (Not always for good reasons.)
Now, be prepared if you read this book that you will be reading repeated scenes but from a different perspective. New scenes in this book tell readers what the boys were up to when they were not terrorizing Tory and Darcy. I liked how the authors gave us additional scenes. It provided more details of the boys and their lives.
Darius is still the one I’m intrigued by the most since I read his POV and how he was feeling the whole time. He’s not very fond of everything he’s doing, but he has to protect someone in his family. He doesn’t have a perfect life, and he has his mission that he’s working on with Orion.
There’s also Orion, who I’m glad I read his POV. You either like him or hate him, and I tended to like him more in this book. He is trying everything to keep the twins as enemies, but you’ll read another side of him in this book.
I didn’t like Max or Seth even more after this book, but I won’t explain why. I will say these two deserve everything that comes to them after what they did to the twins. I’m not saying the others don’t, but these two are the worst of them all.
Caleb is one I’m still trying to figure out. He’s not as bad as the others, except Tory as his source. He is playing with fire with someone else when it comes to Tory. There is a steamy scene that happens in the book that involves Caleb.
The real enemy of the series is close to the celestial heirs. I really don’t like this person.
The very ending of this book is with the conclusion of The Awakening, and I hope Tory and Darcy get their revenge in the next book.
Overall, I give this book 4.5 stars. This one had my attention from the beginning since I already knew what to expect. I liked how the authors gave us the male heirs’ perspectives in the first book. It doesn’t make me like them entirely, though, but I understand them better. They are still friggin’ A-holes!
Standalone or Part of Series: It’s part of the Zodiac Academy series, and I would recommend reading in order. The authors leave readers with cliffhangers. (This book didn’t come out until August 2021, after the first few books were released, but I recommend this book after reading the first one. The first book will be fresh in your memory when you read the book from the boys’ points of view.)
Steaminess: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Trope(s): Bully Romance; Student/Teacher Forbidden Romance (borderline in this book – professor knows it’s wrong)
Audience: 18+
Would I recommend this book? Yes. If you enjoy Bully Romances, I recommend this book to you. This book also is paranormal since he has faes, vampires, werewolves, sirens, dragons, etc. This is another reason why I love these books.
Warning(s)/Trigger(s): Bullying (Emotionally and Physically); Sexual Harassment; Physical Trauma (Vampire/Siren Related); A-hole Male Characters (The Four Heirs)