Mystereity Reviews
Written on Oct 11, 2021
Fenella (is it wrong I call her Aunt Fenny in my head? I don't know why, she seems like a young Aunt Fanny (you know, one of those elderly aunts everyone has that is prim and proper and frowns when she sees someone acting in a way that isn't prim and proper?) Aunt Fenny is like that, only a little less dripping in disapproval.) Anyway, Aunt Fenny visits several banks to inventory all of the jewelry Mona stashed away in safety deposit boxes. When they visit the last bank in Ramsey, an employee discovers a dead body in one of the vaults, a man named Nigel who was the manager at the bank. Caught up in yet another murder investigation, Fenella does her part by running into suspects everywhere (well, it is a small island and she's the richest person there, so....) and divulging the secrets told to her to fiance Daniel, a police inspector. This one had quite a few suspects, as apparently Nigel liked to chase skirts. While there were a lot of suspects, I don't think I evr suspected them as the murderer. So when the ending came around (a few reviewers have commented that the ending was a bit abrupt, and I can see why that would be a sticking point) it was then the motive was revealed. I actually liked how it all unfolded, it felt very natural and realistic, at least as far as cozy mysteries go.
Another great entry into one of my favorite series, and I can't wait for the next book.