Blackout is a collection of six short stories (one is broken into four parts) about a bunch of teens during a blackout in New York City. It's hot and humid and they're all just trying to get home! Or at least to their neighborhood for a block party. I loved how all of the stories were connected but totally different. Everybody knows somebody from one of the other stories and it works really well.
Of course, like with any anthology, I liked some stories more than others. For the most part, I think they're all good and bring a different relationship dynamic, but for the ones I rated lower, I mostly just interested in their connection to the other stories.
The Long Walk by Tiffany D. Jackson
★★★ - This is the story broken up into four parts. It essentially shows the passage of time for the entire collection, and it's fun to see who spots these two during their own blackout adventure. Tammi and Kareem are recently broken up, but fate has stranded them together with no way of getting home but to walk.
Mask Off by Nic Stone
★★★★ - This was my favorite! It was a little confusing at first since it jumps around in time, but I liked seeing different points in time of JJ and Tremaine's relationship. Nothing much was happening in the present as they're just trapped on the train, but JJ's thoughts are all on Tremaine.
Made to Fit by Ashley Woodfolk
★★★ - Another queer story! This one takes place at a senior home, and the two girls, Joss and Nella, have met for the first time and must team up to help Nella's grandfather find something he lost. It's cute, but didn't really stick with me.
All the Great Love Stories...and Dust by Dhonielle Clayton
★★ - This is probably the one I was most excited for, because it's set in the library! Unfortunately, beyond that it didn't quite work for me. Lana is in love with Tristan and they've been friends forever. They have some kind of bet going, and then this leads to confessions of love on both parts.
No Sleep Till Brooklyn by Angie Thomas
★★ - I liked the theme of this one, which is basically that you don't have to choose a partner. You can choose yourself, or multiple, or no one. It's all good. There are no rules. But it was kind of boring. A school group is stuck on a tour bus going nowhere.
Seymour and Grace by Nicola Yoon
★★★ - I really liked the start of this story. Grace picked up a ride share on the way to the block party and starts a conversation with her driver. I'm sure you can guess where that's going. It's a cute setup but I couldn't get passed the creepy feeling I got from a teen girl being stuck alone at night with a stranger. Even if he is hot.