Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jan 7, 2022
Jenna and Kieron have to deal with a zombie attack. Can Jenna stop the zombie before it infects others?
Jenna Sutton
Jenna Sutton is our hunter of the story. Not only in her own words, she is nothing like Buffy, but she truly isn't anything like Buffy. Jenna is a normal human who just so happens to hunt supernatural creatures when she isn't in school. She recently lost her mom. Literally, she has no clue if her mom is dead or not because there are no remains for her to claim at the morgue. Jenna is surviving on her own and has her best friend to help her out with hunting as well. She also has an organization to help her out when she needs them.
I don't know if I would like Jenna if I met her in real life. She isn't friendly and constantly overthinks things that she can't control.
Supernatural Aspect
Jenna Sutton comes from a long line of hunters like her mom before her. They work at a place called Consoritum. The Consoritum is a place where hunters are employed to do whatever is needed. The Consoritum can also employ hunters, but they have to pay them for their services. They also have supernatural creatures working within them as well. An example: witches or warlocks. Not only that but almost every single creature that we heard about growing up is real in this story. Yup, vampires, witches, zombies, werewolves, and whatever else you can think of is probably real. Jenna has a zombie problem, and that is her mystery to figure out if another zombie created the zombie or if someone raised it from the dead. Not only that, but who the zombie's next targets are.
Four Stars
Zombies for Everyone by Kimberly Wylie is a young adult paranormal cozy mystery that is the first story in its series. I admit I was having a hard time with it because I wasn't sure how it would be a cozy mystery. However, the author did meet that goal.
Ms. Wylie has done an excellent job of crafting the story. I have to say that it reminded me more of the TV show Supernatural more than it did Buffy. The story did, in my opinion, end abruptly, and I was left with a lot of questions. Other than that, I enjoyed it enough to give it four stars and to recommend it to you, paranormal cozy mystery readers.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Zombies for Everyone by Kimberly Wylie.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove