Quirky Cat
Finally! I finally sat down to read the highly anticipated sequel to Crave, Crush. Written by Tracy Wolff, this is a novel I've been hearing so much about, and finally, I can stop dodging all those spoilers out there.
Finally! I finally sat down to read the highly anticipated sequel to Crave, Crush. Written by Tracy Wolff, this is a novel I've been hearing so much about, and finally, I can stop dodging all those spoilers out there.
It's been four months since Grace turned into stone in an effort to save Jaxon. Now she's back...only nothing feels quite right. Perhaps because she has no memory of the months she's lost, or any understanding of her new powers.
Okay, the fact that Hudson is sharing the same mental space as her probably ranks high up on the list of things that don't feel right. This is a man that everyone has been telling her to fear. The man who tried to take Jaxon from her.
Now, Grace must once again fight for her life, though this time around she's going to be making waves. As she's not content to let those around her save the day. She's not going to let them pay that price.
“Sometimes life hands you more than a new hand of cards to play—it hands you a whole new deck, maybe even a whole new game.”
Wow. Crush was one heck of a whirlwind read! It's one of those books that is going to through you onto an emotional roller coaster as you read, and dump one surprising ending on you before it's all said and done.
Much like Crave, come to think of it. Good to know that there's a pattern here. Oh! Speaking of patterns, once again we have a lovely cover here! And it looks like Covet (the third novel in the series) is equally as striking.
I think the thing I loved the most about this book is the glimpse into the larger world. The way the politics works outside of Katmere Academy, and the true weight of the stakes that Grace and her friends are facing.
It certainly worked to add a decent amount of tension into the mix. As did Hudson, for that matter. I know fans are either going to love or hate his character, and with good reason on both fronts. Personally, I'm happy that his character added yet another layer of complications into the mix. Not just on the romance front, but in terms of what is actually happening in the world of vamp politics.
Ironically, I think just about the only thing I didn't really enjoy in this read was the sporting event (s). I don't know why, but I just couldn't get into it. Wait, it might be that I'm not into spectating sports, which tainted my appreciation here.
Otherwise though, Crush was a seriously solid read, and I'm officially dying to see what happens in Covet. Also! More good news, I thought that Crave was going to be a trilogy, but it looks like there's going to be at least four books in the series, with the fourth one being titled Court. Now that is a book I'm looking forward to reading!
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