Nicole Lynn
Written on Sep 9, 2016
This is my first time DNFing a book. I usually ride it out even if it's not a great read, but I just couldn't take reading this one anymore. I couldn't connect with the MC at all & all her "adventures" seemed pretty implausible. I couldn't suspend belief. Also there was a lot of brand/celebrity name dropping throughout the novel. It's one thing to bring up a favorite celebrity in passing or to use the brand Vuitton to describe luggage, but interactions (SPOILERS!!!) with Gorge Clooney? Mentioning the brands of clothing all the time? Also an outdated reference to Glee that was actually kind of offensive -- these were just annoying to read all the time. I couldn't move forward so I'm abandoning the book. It's such a shame because the premise was really good and seemed to promise a great read. Well to each his/her/their own right? ;)
I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest option/review from NetGalley. Thanks for the opportunity!