Written on Jun 15, 2018
TwoSpells is a book full of action, magic, suspense, and a pure, new imaginative world. It takes a few chapters to get into the fun stuff, but once you get past the first 2-3 chapters you are pulled into this mystical world.
There is a lot of world building that is presented chapter by chapter as certain things happen. The main characters realize that not only are their grandparents magical beings, but so are they, twins Sarah and Jon. I feel like the twins are written well for the ages they're portraying in the story and of course acted like siblings.
I loved the library TwoSpells and the exciting things you could do within the pages of the books. Basically anyone could travel within the pages and "live" the story and meet the characters. It's really close to time travel which I love. There is a virus attacking the characters within the pages of the book and TwoSpells itself. It was entertaining as the twins meet many familiar characters from cherished books and also many scary creatures such as dragons, dinosaurs, trolls,and werewolves that cause a lot of the intense action in the book. There is a magical war going on and Sarah, Jon, their mother, and grandparents are in the thick of this lively novel.
As a precaution, know that there is some mild cursing(damn, hell, Bloody- its takes place in Wales), and mild violent scenes, some blood and green goo, shark & vampire bat attacks etc. that could be scary to some kids. This is why I recommend this book to teens 13 years old and up. Even though your child may be reading on a higher level, I still recommend this book mainly to teens and adults.
If you're looking for a new book that is a blend of Harry Potter, Narnia, and Lord of the Rings, TwoSpells is very similar. The action is mainly fast paced, has relatable heroes that you enjoy cheering on, horrid, very evil, bad guys, and an ending that leads right into the next book. How exciting! I'm glad that it is already half way written.
****Don't forget to read the interview that I did with the author, Mark Morrison down below. There are many interesting things you'll learn about this book.***