Kim Deister
Written on Apr 16, 2011
In my opinion, this was a very character-driven novel, and these characters were so rich and textured that they made the story. Eva is a strong, intelligent young woman who wants more for herself and her village than to continue on in the neverending traditions without chane. When she meets the baron, Viktor, he represents all the things she thinks she wants as he talks about his grand plans for the sleepy, little village. Eva becomes his willing student and staunchest supporter, swept away by his attention and newness. To me, in the original tale, Igor was almost a non-character, completely unrelatable to me as a person. In My Frankenstein, he was given life and personality as he was torn between loyalty to Viktor and concern for Eva. Viktor was ever changing in his personality, at times the dashing baron and at others, the dark, almost evil man with a mysterious plot. All of the characters, while vastly different, made for an extremely rich tale. And, while not necessarily integral to the story, the cover art is stunning! I highly recommend picking this novel up and giving it a read! I give it a 4.5 mugs!