Anyhoo, story, well that was a messed up and clever twist, two storylines running parallel to each other, but could they be linked? I thought I had guessed the perpetrator in one storyline, I thought I was on the money, ding ding ding Nope nowhere near!
It was great to have Dan and Lexi back, a lot more focus on Dan’s army days and his PTSD. I felt his fear and pain through the pages. Still on the hunt for his missing wife Jess, yet, still there is something simmering with Lexi. The only thing I had an issue with was that Dan was a bit dismissive towards to Lexi and her theories. I mean has she let him down yet? Lexi, oh Lexi you crazy American!! Gung-ho is definitely not her forte but you have to love this girl. Wanting to be a part of MIT in her capacity, overstretching herself and then dealing with such an awful private patient. Urgh!
It is a strong second book, nowhere near as dark as Knock Knock but a different kind of book. One which changes a lot of how we see serial killers and twists that on its head. I love the path that Chris chose to go down for this tale of woe. Because as with every serial killer, there is a reason and this was a reason for such woe.
The number of pages might put you off, because we know 449 is a lot, but don’t! It does not feel like I have read that many pages. The story flows, I didn’t feel like there was any lull in the book. Every paragraph had a purpose to further the story, further the character development, to further the case. It particularly upped the anty in the closing chapters, I was panicked!!
It was nice to see the team again, Max just steals the limelight again as she works the case old school. Khan, well he had a bum deal this time, and we were introduced to Stagg, who works for a different unit but I hope he comes back again! Such a strong cast of characters both leading and minor, it just makes the series pop!
Looking forward to the next outing!!