Raised in the English countryside, Annalice Mallory and her beloved brother, Phillip, have grown up with a passion for travel and exploration, stemming from the family's renowned cartography business. In a sealed off room in the Mallory house, Annalice finds a timeworn map depicting an unkown island off the coast of Australia, the idyllic and gold-laden Paradise Island. With the map, is a journal written a century earlier by Annalice's namesake, Ann ALice Mallory, a young woman who died under mysterious circumstances. The journal recounts a tale of love, thwarted by conspiracy, greed . . . and murder. Obsessed by her ancestor's tragic story, Annalice shared her story with her brother, who takes off in search of the elusive island. But as time passes without word from Phillip, Annalice herself - as if driven by unfulfilled spirit of the unfortunate Ann ALice - resolves to follow the road to Paradise Island on an adventurous quest to find her brother and uncover the truth.
- Publish Date 1985 (first published 9 September 1985)
- Publish Status Unknown
- Imprint Book Club Asociates
- Edition Book Club Edition
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 368
- Language English