Written on Feb 15, 2015
Gates of Thread and Stone was pretty darn good, although it didn't quite meet my expectations. Kai can manipulate time. She doesn't know where this ability comes from, since there's only one magic user left in the world. She also doesn't fully understand how it works, so she can only slow time down for a few seconds in order to get away with things or get an advantage. Then her brother is kidnapped, and she's told that the dreaded Black Rider has him, so she sets out with her friend Avan to find him. Out in the Void is where the two of them learn that the world is not exactly as they believe it to be.
I did really enjoy Gates of Thread and Stone. I thought it moved at a great pace and I was never bored. I loved seeing what was out in the Void. GARGOYLES! Also the Dark Rider's....compound?...was quite interesting as well, but I wish we had gotten to spend more time there. Although I suspect Kai will be returning there at some point. The plot was quite engaging, and I always appreciate when the main character is focused on their goal and don't get caught up in some romance which causes them to screw everything up. I love romance, but sometimes it gets in the way. Kai is wholly focused on saving her brother, even though she does realize she's attracted to Avan. Kissing will have to wait though!
What disappointed me about Gates of Thread and Stone was the world building. I'm not sure if this is set in a purely fantasy world, or if it's an alternate version of our world where magic is a thing. I'm guessing it's the latter, since there's high schools with milk cartons, toasters, and people live in freight containers. Either way though, I don't think there was enough background on why the world is the way it is. There is an explanation, but it's my least favorite: war because of...war. Okay...tell me more! It was magic versus technology which is pretty darn awesome, and I get that magic users were worried about being replaced with science, but why did that lead to such a devastating war? Couldn't technology and magic be combined to make things even better? It seems like that's what wound up happening anyway, so I was just confused.
Gates of Thread and Stone was really good but not quite what I wanted it to be. I liked Kai's powers and that twist at the end. It's obvious that she's more than just human, but I didn't guess at that. In fact, that whole ending caught me off guard! Lots of things happening! It did get a bit confusing, since suddenly a whole bunch of characters are being introduced, but it was nothing too far-fetched or convoluted. But it did add to my questions about the world, since it seems like the Infinite can be born and created? Or maybe they can only be created if they're born a certain way? I don't know, but I hope to learn more in the next book!
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