I have mixed feelings about this. Not really because of the content, but because of the delivery. A novel this was not. It was a short story printed with 14pt type and double-spaced, with full page chapter headings to add some bulk to the book. Not really worth the $8 I spent on it (man, I remember when paperbacks were $3.50). I read it in about an hour and a half Saturday night. I’m expecting big things from her next real book in the series, which is due out in June.
LKH whets my appetite for the next book in the series with this slightly long short story. I did want more but still it's incredibly readable. Anita manages to only have one sex scene, stays faithful to one partner, actually raises a dead person, evades death and altogether returns somewhat to the character I liked rather than an extra in a porn movie. If this is a sign of things to come I will be buying the new book when it comes out but if it isn't I'll be deeply disappointed, tho the teaser at the end did whet my appetite for the next in the series!