Emma (SCR)
Written on May 14, 2017
Gracen and Slade have been 2 peas in a pod since they were around 5 years old and have been in love with each other before they even knew what love was but both are too scared to tell the other. Slade can’t sit by and watch Grecen look for “the one” anymore so he’s leaving for Montana.
There were parts of this book that broke my heart. Sonya is not afraid to push boundaries with her stories which I love. Sonya always drops the biggest bombshells and leave you with very little time to recover and this book was no different. I was on the edge of my seat from about 70% of the way through and didn’t put it down until I got to the end.
I can’t praise Sonya’s work enough and I can’t wait to see what she brings in the future.