Emma (SCR)
Written on Oct 31, 2013
I, like Geli, was swooning over Theo. He's hot, I mean really hot. Also he's clever. He gets that politics stuff, you have to be clever to get that. I have to say I found the Hilary Obama "marathon" discussion hilarious. It had me laughing for absolutely hours. However after their first "date" I had my suspicions about how perfect he really was. Further along in the novel I knew something was wrong and that he had serious issues.
I hated Tiggy. Every time it seemed like she was going to change, bam she was just pretending to get what she wanted. Personally I just think she was jealous of Geli.
Calvin. Oh Calvin. He is delicious! He is also a really good person. I mean he does charity work and no one forces him.
I loved Glinda. She was the perfect best friend. I did become frustrated with her need to keep returning to Jeeves when he clearly wasn't good for her.
This book had a fantastic ending and I really really hope there is a sequel. I would love to see what Geli is doing a year or two down the line. I will definitely be reading Elle's debut book Kept as soon as I can.