Written on Nov 12, 2015
I am back on the low carb Paleo Lifestyle, so I am reading anything I can get my hands on about it. I was curious about this book as Pam like me had tried weight watchers to some varying degrees of failure and success. I had hoped that this book would had some helpful tidbits such as how to outlast the hell that is sugar and carb detoxification or how to beat cravings etc. Alas, none of that was in this book. It was mostly a memoir sort of book with a few hints in it. Nothing wrong with that. Once I figured out that it was more a memoir I started to enjoy it. She still did not talk about the "carb flu" or anything, but maybe she did not have it? I know I get it awful. Some of my friends who have gone Paleo did not get it as bad as me, so I am probably on the extreme end of the spectrum. This was a fast read, and I always enjoy hearing other people stories as they have made the transition to Paleo. It sounds weird but it gives me strength and hope until I feel human again.
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land