This book is action packed, our favorite host of characters (and many new ones) go from one quest to another. There are a whole lot of mythical creatures, gods and of course, myths that make an appearance and I found that fascinating. I found some portions of the plot somewhat unnecessary (I don't want to include spoilers), but the overall feel of the book is of excitement, love, power and forward movement.
Cat is such as strong character. She was made that way by her mother and siblings that were all abusive and honestly, just plain crazy. I think she grows stronger still because she learns to love, she understand the meaning of family, she finally understands her importance and how carefully the gods have played in her life. Cat is straightforward, tries to be honest, ironic, and though. Griffin is also strong, but he's not afraid to show his feelings to anyone. He loves Cat beyond reason and he's ready to always protect her and be his number one fan. I just love them together, they were made for each other.
Griffin's Beta team, and his family as a great cast of characters, I loved all most of them and a few more get added as Sinta gets more powerful. An awesome addition to the series! This review was originally posted on Quite the Novel Idea