Written on Dec 16, 2017
"Dogs kind of default to making friends unless provoked. Cats seem to default to making enemies unless convinced otherwise."
The ending was a bit abrupt. The book appears edited well; there are just a few typos. I also prefer numbers to be in written form in books, so I wasn't a fan of them written numerically in the instances they were.
Main character Gloria also bugged me at times, but then she's a dog person—she doesn't seem to enjoy having seven cats much. I, however, fell into having eight once—not on purpose, and definitely NOT planned—and then couldn't adopt them out because I fell in love with them, and they fell in love with me, and there was just...no. going. back. She's also got this bit of...well...excitability going on, much like dogs do. I wasn't into her anger/frustration about the situation (though it's probably because I've been in a similar situation).
I think the investigative figure-this-out side was a bit dramatic and redundant, because the obvious thing to do seemed to go to the shelter the adoption papers in the box attributed to—not a private investigator for tips on the matter.
"The 12 Cats of Christmas" is adorable, though. I expected a children's book, but I like how it's geared towards adults—so much cute!
It's currently free on Amazon. I don't know how long it will be.~
Blog review: http://crunchyfamily.com/2017/12/12-cats-christmas/