Written on Apr 9, 2018
I received a copy from NetGalley for review.
When I saw Come to the Rocks and read that it was a mermaid story about a lesbian romance, I was hooked! I feel like this corner of fiction is a mostly uncharted one that many authors are missing out on, because COME ON! MERMAIDS! There is so much lesmance potential here. Tap into it, people!
I really liked this book.
I have to admit I was nervous?? though I can't quite put my finger on a why. It might be because I wanted it to be good so bad and was nervous it'd fall through...I've read some LGBTQIA+ books that have been utter disappointments because instead of being a story on par with books featuring hetero characters and themes, the many I've read have focused more on sex.
But this one didn't! Linnea's ex-boyfriend is abusive (trigger warning), and she forms a connection with mermaid Mren, who tells her a story about a sailor who threw his curse into the sea so he could be free.
The ending is a bit...questioning, by which I'm not sure whether I should feel happy or not?? Like, should I feel happy about it? Is it one that could ever have had a happier ending (if that is, indeed, a happy ending)? I don't know?? I think you'd have to read it to determine whether it IS a happy ending or bittersweet.
I can't say much more, because it was fairly short (66 pages) and anything else would be a SPOILER.