Written on Jul 10, 2018
Sunny lived in the shadow of her father’s poor life choices. It affected the way she saw others and caused her to avoid relationships. Having a wonderful, if not perfect, dad, I wasn’t able to relate to her but could empathize. How thankful I am for my daddy!
I loved the way that Sunny lived up to her name. Her compassion and kindness shone brightly. She was a dedicated Christian and had a ministry bringing the elderly to church so they wouldn’t be stuck at home. Her 90-year-old friend Dorothy was darling!
Jackson was a totally sweet Christian Country singer who had made it big. Unlike many, he didn’t let his fame go to his head and remained true to his convictions. He was very down-to-earth and just a little out of place in Hollywood.
I loved the way that he did know how to navigate his fame at least a little. He learned how to use what he called “shock and awe” to allow him to walk into fast food places to get something to eat but still not get mobbed by his fans. The scene where he uses that is not only fun but also shows his kind heart.
As I think about it, there are a number of scenes in the book that revolve around food and eating out. In another favorite one, they are eating at a diner with Dorothy, who had been in the music industry with some of the greats. When they sang together. . . Wow!
I liked that the story had both light-hearted and serious parts. Sunny’s struggles between doing the right thing and yet not displeasing those she worked with caused some conflicts and she needed to view her actions and motives in a new light.
The only other book I had read by Tanya Stowe is a romantic suspense, Mojave Rescue, that I enjoyed so much. I knew I wanted to read more by her. I’m glad I did and I’m glad that she has written in a variety of genres.
Oh, and stay tuned. I will be interviewing Tanya soon at Among The Reads.
This review was originally posted on Among the Reads
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I would like to thank Tanya Stowe for giving me this copy of the book. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.