Quirky Cat
Written on May 29, 2018
There is so much good about this issue that I’m not really sure where to start. Wait, that’s not true. I know where. Darkhawk’s redesign! It’s absolutely amazing! It looks like something Shuri would have come up in her lab, after a few shouting matches of ‘what are those?!’ and probably a few pranks as well. Seriously though, it’s gorgeous. I would buy a print of that first full reveal if I could.
This plot looks like it’s going to tie in with the Fraternity of Raptors plot we’ve been seeing weave in and out of both Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy. That could prove to be really interesting. Obviously we know it’ll have some impact somehow, since it’s part of the countdown. It’s fun trying to guess what the endgame will be.
This issue has Chris Powell stepping up and trying to figure out what exactly is happening to him and why. What he learns is actually pretty terrifying, but it also makes his character so much more interesting and dynamic, which is saying something.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I bought both variants for this comic. Here’s hoping a few extra sales here and there help encourage them to keep writing for one of my favorite characters. Fingers crossed!