Quirky Cat
Written on Sep 12, 2018
The series is described as a ‘YA cyberpunk thriller starring a genderqueer superthief’ and after just reading one issue of it, I feel like I can confirm the accuracy of that statement. Niki is an interesting character, even if we don’t get to meet them until halfway through the first issue. There’s a reason for that, and it further establishes the character and their motivations.
On the whole I think that this series has a ton of potential, and I can’t wait to see where it goes with it. I know the ‘YA’ part of the description may put some people off, but it didn’t read like it was meant for an audience significantly younger than myself, so I’d say that many age groups would enjoy this one.
I loved the artwork for this issue. I hope we continue to see the same artists and styles, because it is absolutely perfect for the story being told here.