Quirky Cat
Written on Sep 12, 2018
Artemis and Diana acting as escorts to Bana-Mghdall…only this is no longer the perfect land that Artemis had left. As with many a people, politics and war have corrupted the place. Granted this time there was some help from a nefarious character (Actually, that probably happens more often than we’d like to think about, huh?).
I don’t think this was the strongest Wonder Woman issue out there, but it really did have a few great moments that kept me from reducing my rating anymore. My favorite moment of the whole issue has to go to Diana’s aunt and how calmly she handled the situation. It was beautifully done, and did a wonderful job of showing her true colors. Now we just have to hope that she is correct in what will happen next.
The artwork for this issue was striking, as always. The fight scenes were well portrayed, if somewhat startling in how quickly they began and concluded. What really struck me were the looks of fierce determination on so many of the characters faces. That’s a hard expression to get right, especially on that many different people. But they nailed it.