Quirky Cat
Written on Jan 3, 2019
This is a Suzie heavy issue, but Daisy and Esther both play parts as well. On the whole it’s probably the closest to a balanced grouping we’ve seen in a while.
This was a pretty funny issue on the whole. A lot of detective noir humor, and a couple comic books and figure references (most of the latter of which Suzie didn’t understand, naturally). The baffled father was probably the funniest point in the plot, at least in my opinion.
I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something happening behind the scenes. Maybe that just means that I’ve been reading too many thrillers lately. Or maybe something really is up, I’m not sure. I adore McGraw so I’m sincerely not looking for anything nefarious on his part. I think he’s just planning a surprise or something. He’s totally the type to play the long game when it comes to surprises, even if it means that Suzie will kick his butt.