Quirky Cat
Written on Jan 9, 2019
I honestly think that this issue of Spider-Gwen is my favorite so far. Which I feel like is saying something, considering it made me cry like a baby. And no, I’m not kidding about the crying bit. I wish I was, but I’m not.
This was a very heavy and intense issue of Spider-Gwen. It was so perfectly handled though, so I can’t give it enough credit. It addressed events in a way that not only made them feel more permanent but brought the pain back around all over again. It touched my heart and maybe broke it ever so slightly. But I’m okay with that.
I love the human approach to superheroes, I always will and I always have. Gwen’s actions in this issue prove that she’s human first and hero second – and that’s a good thing. She’s aware of the cost for what she and her superhero friends do, and that doesn’t stop her from doing what is needed. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that she won’t feel the pain at the end of the day.
This issue did a wonderful job of bringing that all to the forefront; it forced us to acknowledge what happened during Spider-Geddon, and it made it all feel more real in some ways.