Written on Dec 12, 2012
In A New York Minute is Eleanor Moran’s free e-book Christmas short story, and unlike the short story I read before it (Staying Away At Christmas by Katie Fforde), this was definitely very short. For me, it seemed to end before it had even begun, and actually, I wanted to read more from Amy and Luke! The writing style was a bit weird; third-person, seemingly present tense, which I found difficult to grasp as I actually expected it to be written in first-person.
For a free Kindle e-book, it was alright. A bit weird to get my head around and it seemed over before it began, which was disappointing, but it made me want a full-length Amy and Luke novel, and I liked the New York setting and Christmas feel. (I definitely want to spend Christmas in New York one day.) It has very much whetted my appetite for Eleanor’s next full-length novel out next month, and, well, I can’t complain, it was an alright read!
For a free Kindle e-book, it was alright. A bit weird to get my head around and it seemed over before it began, which was disappointing, but it made me want a full-length Amy and Luke novel, and I liked the New York setting and Christmas feel. (I definitely want to spend Christmas in New York one day.) It has very much whetted my appetite for Eleanor’s next full-length novel out next month, and, well, I can’t complain, it was an alright read!