Sarah Says
Written on Jun 15, 2015
So Starfire aka Kori was a princes on her own planet, but was outlawed when some nasties took it over and entrapped her sister – I’m sure this will all come back to haunt Kori later in the series. For now Kori is struggling to fit in on earth, cue taking a shower naked out in the open and misunderstanding men’s meanings about giving her a place to stay for the night, but luckily she has the help of a cop named Stella.
Starfire is funny, sexy and a treat for the eyes. The pages are in full colour and those colours are bright and beautiful.
This feels like it's going to be a super quirky, full on girl power, bad guy busting series of awesomeness. It’s from the writers of HARLEY QUINN so all of the above is to be expected. I'm ready, bring on more Starfire. Five Stars.