Emma (SCR)
Written on May 5, 2014
Siena is a sweet girl. She's been a model since she was around 8 years old and she loves it. Nothing gives her a thrill like modelling does. She is surely the most unprepared girl I have ever met. In one scene she runs out of the house with no shoes or coat and it's snowing.. YES SNOWING!!! That did make me laugh. Siena is not just a pretty face. She has brains as well as beauty. As well as modelling she finished school and got a degree in Biology. Her Dad always pushed her to be the best that she can be and then some.
Cash is a hot sexy fireman with issues. Big issues. He's taking too many risks and causing problems for his team. After rescuing Siena from her little trip down the side of the mountain you can feel the sexual tension steaming off the page. I could tell from the instant that they met that they were a perfect match. They had the perfect mix of banter and love. I thought that Cash was extremely understanding with Siena's job requirements. I'm not sure if I was in his position I would be as understanding.
Tommy is a really good friend to Cash. He really cares about Cash and doesn't want to see him get hurt or be kicked out of the team.
The girls were really good to Siena. I loved seeing them all bond. Especially as I'm from a big family myself, I have 5 brothers and no sisters so I can totally understand how alien it is to have sisters.
I hope that Melissa will write a series on Cash's family. Gage seemed pretty interesting and Duke sounded hot.