Written on Aug 12, 2018
Wow, this book! It was intense on so many levels and it made me want to hold my little girl, who happens to be called Alicia(!), just that little bit tighter. This had me so tied up in knots! I really didn’t know where this was going!
Alicia made a mistake, a huge mistake, but she wasn’t completely faultless. Her decision to keep secrets really didn’t help her, trusting the wrong people and this all led to the most devastating event in her life, left me sobbing. It is amazing how one decision can have such a catastrophic outcome to your life and it makes you wonder who you can and can’t trust.
One person I thought was so poisonous was Jess, the sister. I won’t ruin it all I will say is she vile person.
The story is told from different points of view, Justin, Alicia and later Sophie. Justin and Alicia are married, but we come to a time in their life where Justin has had a spot of the green eye monster. Alicia is holding on to a secret, the cause of Justin’s jealousy. Justin has not had it easy, with his past being revealed, seriously give the guy a break! However, I thought his past would play a larger part in the story and link into the story more, but I think it was to show more support for Justin and seriously give him a break!
Even though Justin is now questioning everything in his life, he is the biggest driving force in this book. Pushing on, and I would have been happy for this book just to be all him. Alicia as much as I did really feel for her, she just seems to lose her way a bit, there was no oomph until the final chapter and I must admit I loved the final page of the book. It is really hard to go into a lot of detail as I do not want to ruin any part of the book, hence being very vague. But I have had a few OMG moments in the book, and I was really tense throughout the book, racing through the story to get to a resolution, and a satisfactory one it was!
Since I have started blogging I have discovered so many amazing authors and I am adding Sheryl to this list! I am definitely keeping an eye out in the future for her books, and will go and catch up with her previous book the Babysitter!