Written on Feb 16, 2020
Daniel is leaving his job and trying to get the client out of the door so he can go to his leaving party. Becca who is taking over this client gets collared for a half-hour in her office with him, wanting to go to Daniels party to tell him how she feels. One issue is, she’s gutted because she thinks he’s gay and no chance for a romance more so with him leaving! Becca, Daniel and George (the client) get stuck in the lift and what follows is an instant attraction, fire crackling atmosphere and a kiss to remember.
In these 42 pages, you are shown only a brief moment of insta love and it would be amazing to see the story in a full-blown novel instead of this tantalising tease! It really is a cute fast-paced story which had me smiling. Thrown into a realistic situation and thrown in an office romance and it’s basically everyday life!!
I am glad I got a copy of this book, I mean it’s crazy not to be signed up for a newsletter anyway, so just an added bonus to make me smile while #StormDennis is thrashing about outside! I ignored the storm for 15 mins and read this instead and I was in my happy bubble!
If I haven’t won you around so far with my other reviews then just sign up for the newsletter and capture a snippet of my happy place instead. I promise you you won’t regret it.